TUI-NA-AN-MO massages
Practitioner of Shenzen© (formerly Chong Mo) massage, created in the 1990s. All practitioners using this method must be trained by the Shen School.
The Shen School is the only traditional Chinese medicine training body in France that:
- has signed an agreement with Beijing University, specifically the International School of Beijing University of Chinese Medicine and Pharmacology.
- teaches Shenzen© (formerly called Chong Mo) massage, a method created and patented by the Shen School.
Tae Mo© massage 70 euros
Shenzen© massage 70 euros
Tui Na relaxation 70 euros
Mian Xiang 70 euros
Find out more:
Tae Mo©
Length of session: about 45 min.*
Manipulation to regulate the body’s yin and yang, top and bottom, by stimulating the meridian at the waist (Tae Mo).
In traditional Chinese medicine, the back is considered the mirror of the emotions. Thus, too many emotional pressures will generate somatised tensions that will lead the feeling of carrying everything on one’s back.
Tae Mo allows the release of both the physical and mental tensions that have built up.
Length of session: from 30 to 60 minutes, approximately*
ShenZen© massage is an energy technique that consists of stimulating acupuncture points with the fingers, with Moxas (sticks made of heated mugwort plant) and techniques involving stimulation by rubbing certain parts of the body.
This treatment sets out to take away the memory of frustrations, relieve mental stiffening, rebalance energies to instil calm and peace in oneself, improve the functioning of the digestive system (allowing better digestion both physically and emotionally).
This treatment acts on mental issues, for which it is a sedative. It makes it possible to regulate the motions and the functioning of the Chong Mo meridian (menstrual problems, etc.).
In general terms, ShenZen© massage reinforces our defensive energy (WEI QI), which protects us against external aggressions (wind, cold, heat, damp and so on) while strengthening our immune system. This treatment is given in three sessions spread over a month. Then, depending on needs, one can have one every month, every two months or else according to the Chinese tradition, within 18 days of every change of season.
Relaxation Tuina
Length of session: about 60 min.*
Energy manipulation to regulate energy at the meridians, in order to harmonise yin and yang and so maximise mental and physical comfort
Abdominal Tuina (Chi Nei Tsang)
Length of session: about 30 min.*
As the stomach is the second brain, it is therefore the place where both physical and mental things are digested. This makes it important to maintain it through Chi Nei Tsang in order to regulate the emotions, harmonise the five energies and favour the best possible digestion of what happens in life.
Mian Xiang
Length of session: about 60 min.*
Gentle energy techniques (Tui Na) to improve QI (energy) circulation in the face, in order to offer physical and mental relaxation, comfort and a better colour.
*The length of each massage is affected by the time to warm up the points of the abdomen. Massages associated with the practice of moxibustion and stomach massage.
I would draw your attention to the fact that under no circumstances does the information provided on this site and the description of the techniques practised seek to contradict or replace consultation with a doctor (whether general or specialist). Only a doctor is qualified to make a diagnosis, determine or stop a treatment and order or stop medication.
The comfort sessions given here do not set out to cure illnesses, but aim to foster well-being and relaxation for the body and spirit and to give advice on healthy living and relaxation. The energy component (pulse, colour, tongue) provided serves to remedy any disharmony in yin yang energies.
The techniques used here aim to restore this harmony. Any rehabilitation under way with your masseur/physiotherapist must necessarily be completed. Under no circumstances is Chinese energy treatment a substitute for visiting your general practitioner.
The word “massage” is used in the common sense and therefore does not question the provisions of articles L. 4321-1 and L. 4321-2 of the health code and article 3 of decree no. 96 of 8th October 1996 concerning professional actions and the exercise of the profession of masseur/physiotherapist or acupuncturist. The technical references come from traditional energy practices and knowledge of a variety of origins.
Principal contraindications:
- Pregnant women
- People suffering a cancer
- Serious illnesses
In case of doubt it is obligatory to request a medical opinion from your regular doctor.
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